On 21. August 1976, Gene Simmons did a photo session with Creem Magazine at the George Barris Car Collection, North Hollywood, California, with photographers Barry Levine, Fin Costello and Watel Asanuma.

“Another cool set of shots that I took with Gene revolved around an exhibition that Creem Magazine wanted me to cover. This guy named George Barris had a collection of cars formerly owned or used by celebrities. Some were over the top. I thought it would be great fun to snap Gene on some of the more outrageous cars. So, George closed down the display one night and Gene and I headed over. Being a big fan, Gene got a kick out of posing on The Munsters family coach and Grampas hearse. It was cool to see his personality switch from how he usually is, having a lot of fans, to being a fan of someone or something else.”
– “The Kiss Years” by Barry Levine